The brief introduction of myself

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  • Professional

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Our Story


ShareSafe was created from a passion to make a difference and to establish a new standard in healthcare security, communication and education. Our genesis was inspired by Dr. Peter Pronovost while Senior Vice President of Patient Safety and Quality at Johns Hopkins University, who is one of the leading authorities on patient safety.  Dr. Pronovost has dedicated his career to establishing scientific methods and educating others in the prevention of medical errors.  Through his efforts, thousands of lives have been saved in hospitals throughout the world. ShareSafe’s technology was originally created as a secure delivery platform to assist in accelerating and scaling best practices and evidence-based medicine (EBM) like Dr. Pronovost’s, as well as improving patient safety and collaboration across the healthcare landscape.

Read More about Dr. Pronovost




To improve the equitable delivery of high-quality healthcare at lower costs through innovative media, mobile apps and streaming Connected TV (CTV) technologies.

Company Profile

ShareSafe is a HealthTech and Media company that blends powerful mobile technology with media services in a secure network to improve value, enhance quality and decrease costs while focusing on the well-being of clinicians and patients. ShareSafe’s product suite includes multi-view connected-TV casting, single-sign-on integrations, patient record aggregation, secure care team communications along with clinician and patient educational content.

Our Partners

Samsung HealthCare

Samsung HealthCare

University Hospitals

University Hospitals

AdventHealth Florida

AdventHealth Florida

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University

Premier Inc

Premier Inc



